Why does Embie ask all these questions?

During onboarding and in your health profile, you may have noticed that we ask lots of questions regarding your infertility diagnosis. We do this for several reasons;

  1. To help you keep all of your infertility related information stored in one convenient place, should you need to provide it to your clinic or health provider, or just look back at it on your own.
  2. Our goal is to provide you with insights into your fertility health based on your specific needs. This means that we can’t compare you to every woman, because each woman is dealing with a different medical diagnosis. For this reason, our system only aggregates information from similar health profiles for the insight we provide to you.

Rest assured that your sensitive health information is secure. It’s part of the reason we limit the amount of identifying information we ask of you at registration (we don’t even know your name). And your full data is never visible to humans. 

You can learn more about how we use and process your information in our Privacy Policy.

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