How do I log my labs?

To add your lab results, click on the Plus Icon icon in the bottom navigation bar and choose the lab icon.

If you do not see the Lab Icon, it’s because you haven’t started a new cycle. There should be a start a new cycle option in the same place.

Once in the Lab section, click on the select button on the top right hand corner and choose Log.

Choose the date of your lab results and enter the data provided by your clinic, lab or health provider. 

If the number is smaller than 1, please include a zero in the number i.e. 0.78

If you make a mistake after saving the result, simply click on log again, choose the date where you messed up and edit the number.

Please be sure to choose the unit measuring type as listed in your lab results. Remember that not all lab numbers are created equal and in the past, you may have been comparing yourself to a woman using totally different lab measurement unit results.

To see how this cycle stacks up against previous cycles, click on compare in the drop down button on the top right hand corner.

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